
Entity Definition

Logical Name : ItemElectronicLabel
Physical Name : AS_LB_ITM_ELTNC

A type of ITEM LABEL that defines the properties of the electronic shelf labels used to present the current retail price to customers. Electronic labels are small liquid crystal screens, attached to the front of the display shelf or unit,which convey the current selling price and other information regarding the RETAIL ITEM to the CUSTOMER or EMPLOYEE. These labels are electronically linked to the store processor. In this way any amendments to the ITEM can be transmitted to the shelf label at the same time they take effect. This facility ensures that ITEM details and prices on the shelf and store processor are synchronized.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
ItemLabelID (FK)(PK) A unique system assigned identifier for the ItemLabel. ID_LB_ITM Identity integer


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
ItemLabel can be a ItemElectronicLabel

Logical Views containing ItemElectronicLabel

Logical View
Logical 01050 - Item Description - Labelling View
Logical 01300 - Item Price Maintenance View
Logical 21000 - Fresh Item Management Macro View